Fundraising and Events (Page 2)

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The story of Muggins just keeps getting better

Book cover with a picture of Muggins the fundraising dog on top the title: Muggins, the life and afterlife of a Canadian canine war hero

Stories about Muggins the fundraising dog always delight, and the stories that continue to unfold over the years just keep getting better. His fame as a four-legged fundraising mascot is now the subject of a recently published book.

Book cover with a picture of Muggins the fundraising dog on top the title: Muggins, the life and afterlife of a Canadian canine war hero

Leaving a lasting impression with Canadian Red Cross Legacy Giving

Two people wearing Red Cross vests speak to a person across a table. The workers are holding pens above paperwork on the table.

What will your legacy be? It’s a question you may not have asked yourself before. In fact, you may not have thought about the possibility of making a future difference through your Will.
Canadian Red Cross Legacy Giving Director, Gina Baillie, helps answer some of your most-asked questions about the process.

Two people wearing Red Cross vests speak to a person across a table. The workers are holding pens above paperwork on the table.

A Red Cross legacy of giving to help future generations: Peter and Donna’s story

Peter standing beside Donna with his arm around her shoulders, standing in front of a blue background

Peter and Donna Collens, a couple from Newfoundland and Labrador, have an unwavering commitment to giving back and helping the community. Their Red Cross story began with volunteering and it will continue long into the future thanks to the legacy gift to Red Cross that they have left in their wills.

Peter standing beside Donna with his arm around her shoulders, standing in front of a blue background

Walmart fundraising campaign: Improving disaster readiness one dollar at a time

Cars decorated in red and white balloons in a single file parade outside a Walmart store.

This summer, Walmart and the Red Cross have worked together to raise $4.2 million across Canada through customer donations, Walmart internal fundraising, and a corporate match of $820,000 from Walmart Canada’s corporate office.

Cars decorated in red and white balloons in a single file parade outside a Walmart store.

Gifts for good causes: 5 ideas for holiday giving

fundraising, "Red Cross programs"

Charity gift ideas that make a difference, spread wellbeing and contribute to a better world.

fundraising, "Red Cross programs"

Former Syrian refugee in Calgary giving back through soap fundraiser

A former Syrian refugee in Canada is fighting COVID-19 the best way he knows how - with an ancient family soap recipe. Abdulfatah Sabouni of Calgary’s Aleppo Savon is donating 25 per cent of the proceeds of his new neem-oil soap to the Red Cross’ Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Global Appeal fund.

100 years of giving

“As the men were coming out of the trenches, the Red Cross met them with a cup of tea,” Skawski said. “It probably wasn’t very hot considering what was going on at the time, but they always met them with a cup of tea.”

As a Walmart associate, Carmen is raising funds to help people like her who have been affected by disasters

When the tornadoes hit the Mont-Bleu neighbourhood on September 21st of last year, Carmen was behind the wheel. She had no idea that a tornado was coming. Carmen has been a Walmart associate at the Plateau branch for nearly 10 years and doesn’t carry her cellphone with her at work.

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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