Normally, when someone loses everything they own in an apartment fire, the Canadian Red Cross Personal Disaster Assistance Team (PDAT) arrives on the scene with blankets and teddy bears to offer warmth and comfort. That’s how it worked before COVID-19.
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A couple of years ago, Gwen Schick retired. She discovered that she missed meeting people in the course of her travels for work. So, Gwen started volunteering as a Friendly Phone volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross in Saskatchewan.
The Friendly Phone program pairs volunteers with seniors who feel they could benefit from weekly phone calls. That’s it.
Around the world, Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. While our responses may be different, based on the needs in our areas, our commitment to provide impartial aid to the most vulnerable can be seen in action. Here are just a few snapshots of the work underway.
Canadian Red Cross volunteer Kara Shiestel’s role quickly changed from being a responder to a recipient of care from the Red Cross after arriving in Trenton, Ontario for a period in quarantine. Being on the receiving end of Red Cross support, after training as a volunteer, helped Kara deal with the situation for herself and others.
With the Red Cross since 2011, Sam Dueck has deployed as a technician with the Emergency Response Unit (ERU) to far away regions like Jordan, Sierra Leone, and Ecuador. His latest posting was much closer to home. He went to Vancouver to set up an alternative care site.
For many Canadians in need, COVID-19 brings a whole new set of challenges in terms of food, lodging, hygiene, access to health care, and social interactions. Fewer pedestrians and reduced vehicle traffic mean less charitable giving in public spaces.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, healthcare systems are under strain to keep up with demand. This is one of the areas where the Canadian Red Cross is uniquely ready to respond and adapt to changing circumstances and needs.
Volunteering is a part of life for the Jacobs family. Garry Jacobs has volunteered with the Canadian Red Cross in Red Deer, Alberta for 30 years – along with his wife Sandy and now his daughter Jodyne (who volunteers in Strathmore, Alberta). In February, Garry was awarded the highest volunteer honour from the Canadian Red Cross – the Order of Red Cross, for his incredible contributions to the movement.