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Sudbury volunteer’s clocked 36,000km

If you live in Sudbury, then chances are you’ve seen Red Cross volunteer Alfred Lafantaisie driving around the community in a van decked out in the Red Cross logo. He’s clocked 36,000 kilometres, taking seniors to medical appointments. He’s gotten...

A Red Cross volunteer with 50 years of humanitarian service

With 50 years of humanitarian work under his belt, the Red Cross is lucky to have Jeff Eames of Dorchester, Ontario as a volunteer. As the current president of the London, St.Thomas and Stratford council, Jeff helps raise awareness about the Red C...

From Bingo to PDA, this youth volunteer is making a difference in Durham

Guest blog by Sherifa Hadi
When Brent Baxter finished high school, he was looking for a way to give back to his community. He started volunteering with the Durham Region Red Cross and the branch’s bingo program. In 2000-2001 he began volunteering w...

Lynn Kergan’s got a thing for emergencies

Not that she wishes them upon people; her thing is teaching people how to be prepared if disaster strikes. As the volunteer operational lead for disaster management in Halton, part of Lynn’s work involves providing workshops on disaster preparedne...

A helping hand at the Scarborough Drop-In Centre

Meet Red Cross volunteer Gloria Francis. For the last year she has been volunteering several days out of every week at the Scarborough Drop-In Centre. The Drop-in Centre is a Red Cross program that helps people in need of shelter, food, clothing and ...

“Richard Richard” and the Ottawa Branch

Guest blog by Meaghan WilliamsCourses are in session, phone calls are answered and individuals walk in and out constantly: these are the characteristics of a typical day. The Canadian Red Cross Ottawa branch is constantly a flurry of activity. Tuesd...

Red Cross volunteer Paul Hennessey doubles as a Grocery Sherpa

For Canadian Red Cross Sault Ste. Marie branch volunteer Paul Hennessey, volunteering brings a new challenge every day. One day he is providing support to a family who has lost their home to a fire. The next, he is driving seniors to medical appoi...

Youth volunteer receives prestigious medal

Congratulations to Red Cross youth volunteer, Arnav Agarwal of Mississauga, for being recognized with an Ontario Medal For Young Volunteers. Arnav was recognized as a leader and role model who has contributed 2,700 volunteer hours with 25 organizatio...

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The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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