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The large Red Cross double decker bus

*This fun blog is courtesy of our Sister Society in Oregon This blog occasionally talks about how the Red Cross as a lifestyle isn't only about the life saving, yet also about style. When people think of the United Kingdom, one of the first styl...

Order of Red Cross to Kai Tao

[gallery] A Red Cross volunteer since 1991, Kai Tao recently received the Order of the Red Cross. Kai was recognized for his efforts in establishing a relationship between the Chinese Canadian community and The Canadian Red Cross Society for the C...

Red Cross remembers “Black Friday”

Twenty-five years ago today was a day that many Ontarians will never forget. Known as “Black Friday,” 13 separate twisters crossed Southern Ontario during the late afternoon and early evening, killing several people, injuring hundreds more and cau...

Refreshing drinks to keep you cool in the heat

With all the warm and sunny weather these past few days, we have been sharing  tips to help you and your family stay safe and cool. It is really important that when the temperatures soar that everyone drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. ...

Toronto volunteer receives highest recognition from Red Cross

Last week you may have read about Audrey in the Toronto Star. We wanted to share with you news that she has received her award.  When Audrey Wilson was a young girl her parents taught her an important lesson.    "They taught me that if y...

Keeping your pets cool

Some of you would have met my pup, Shelby, last week when I introduced her as a Red Cross lifejacket model. She’s barely two years old and this will be my second summer with her. That said, I’ve never had pets before and I didn’t know how badly the h...

It’s getting hot in here!

With news today that  temperatures are going to continue to hover around the 30 degree mark at least for another day or two, we thought to share with you some tidbits on how our Red Cross sister societies are beating the heat. We understand it’s b...

Are you feeling the heat?

The past two days, with temps soaring to 32⁰ with the humidex, the City of Toronto has issued its first extreme heat alert of the summer. Other parts of the province are also experiencing the first heat wave of the year as well. While everyone is...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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