Alberta Wildfires 2016 Community Partnerships Table

The Canadian Red Cross and the United Way Fort McMurray and Wood Buffalo collaborated to establish the Community Partnerships Table (the “Table”). The Table met to review applications of funding requests for $100,000 or more, or requests that may have had a wider impact on community.
The mandate of the Community Partnerships Table was to evaluate pre-qualified funding applications which were submitted to the Canadian Red Cross and/or United Way Fort McMurray and Wood Buffalo and make strategic recommendations regarding those applications in a collaborative, transparent manner. Through this evaluation, Table members also noted trends in gaps, vulnerabilities and needs of the community. The Table made recommendations to action these trends to the Wood Buffalo Recovery Committee as representatives of community stakeholders.Membership
Membership of the Table represented the stakeholder groups within the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. Representatives were selected from the following stakeholder groups:- Canadian Red Cross (1 place, co-chair)
- United Way of Fort McMurray and Wood Buffalo (1 place, co-chair)
- Indigenous Leadership (2 places)
- Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo Administration (1 place)
- Government of Alberta (1 place)
- Industry Recovery Working Group (1 place)
- Social Recovery Task Force (2 places)
- Community Wellness and Resiliency Committee (1 place)
Terms of Reference
For a copy of the full Terms of Reference, please click here.
If you have any questions regarding the Community Partnerships Table please contact us here.