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Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about our day to day work in Canada and abroad

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Food Friday: What do Red Crossers make during the holidays?

As food lovers, the team at Red Cross Talks have been busy planning our menus for the holidays. We were curious what our fellow Red Crossers would be whipping up in their kitchens, so we asked them. Here’s what we found out! It appears that there ...

Photo Tuesday: Getting in the holiday spirit

Every Tuesday, we try to bring you a photo from the community. This week's comes from Christa Kock, Branch President of Sarnia Lambton. The branch recently participated in the Christmas Parade. In the upper left corner is John DeVeer and his decorati...

Photo Tuesday: Oh, the weather outside is frightful...

Southwestern Ontario has been experiencing its first major winter storm of the season, with some areas being pummelled with record amounts of snow In London, parts of the city have upwards of 70 cm of the white stuff, while other communities have ...

Discovering a Red Cross treasure

When we normally clean out our closets, we tend to find items we think are junk:  perhaps old smelly shoes; that blender that stopped working five months ago; that one birthday gift you’ve been meaning to regift etc. But, when Judy Hawley of Calga...

Texting in Haiti

Red Cross experts in Haiti have been working around the clock to prepare for the tropical storm, Tomas, expected to hit the vulnerable country this week. In addition to getting emergency supplies ready so that they can be quickly distributed when ...

Remembering the man with the vision

Today marks the 100 years since the passing of Henry Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross movement. As we saw earlier this week, Mr. Dunant sure had a wicked-awesome  beard. But, what are some other noteworthy facts about this Swiss businessman an...

Go Dunant yourself, seriously

Has anyone ever told you that you look vaguely like Red Cross Movement founder Henry Dunant?  Have you wondered if that actually is the case? Our friends at the Austrian Red Cross have come up with a solution. To commemorate the 100 years since th...

Halloween Red Cross style

It’s the time of the year again soon, when all the ghosts and goblins hit the streets for some trick or treats. But, there is no reason to put on a tired-old witch or ghost costume if you or your kids are unsure of what to be this Halloween. We ar...

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About The Blog

The purpose of this blog, quite simply, is to talk. This blog is an opportunity for Red Cross staff, volunteers, supporters and friends to share stories about what is happening in your community and the important work you are doing. It is a tool that will help keep all of us connected.

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