Feeling bored at home? Take time to get ready

A home surrounded by flood waterPlease visit our COVID-19 resource page for the most current information about Red Cross programs, support, and tips. 

A lot of us are now at home following measures taken to help slow the spread of COVID-19, and if you’re anything like me there is only so much time you can spend rewatching episodes of shows you’ve seen over and over again. So, if you’re looking for something to do, why not take some time to make sure your household is ready for an emergency like flooding or a fire?

Start with your emergency plan:

Do you have an emergency plan? If not, plan what you and your family would do during an emergency. Learn the risks in your neighbourhood – for example, is your area prone to flooding, or maybe having to evacuate during wildfire season? Think about things like:
  • Where would your family potentially evacuate to?
  • If you have pets, do you know options for lodging that allow pets to stay?
  • Consider specific arrangements needed for your family, including young children or mobility needs
  • Learn more about making an emergency plan on our website

If you already have an emergency plan, take some time to review it. Has anything changed since you last looked over the plan? Make sure the plan still makes sense for you and your family’s needs.
Now that you’ve got your plan, don’t forget to sit down with your family and review it. Make sure everyone knows their responsibilities, what to do in an emergency, and where you will meet up if you become separated.

Check your kit:

With many of us staying home, we are seeing just how useful it is to have the supplies you need to meet you and your family’s needs. Normally, we recommend having enough food, water, and essential supplies for at least 72 hours, currently the recommendation is 7-14 days as some people will need to self-isolate at home.

Look through your kit and check against our list of recommended items. Check food to see if it’s past it’s expiry date, if it’s close to the date take it out of the kit so you can eat it soon, you can swap in something else that was purchased more recently.  

Don’t have a kit? Take a look at what you have at home already, you may have more items than you realize to make one.

Get ready:

With spring on the horizon, a lot of areas will soon be facing flooding. Spend some time getting your home ready now.

Getting ready for disasters and emergencies is a great way to feel empowered. We might not be able to change when things happen, but we can be prepared.


10 steps to take before flooding season
COVID-19: Tips for staying healthy, and what to do if you become sick
Disaster prep on a budget
Tips to help families cope during self isolation due to COVID-19

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