Resources for Empowering Youth

It’s not uncommon to experience feelings of worry and uncertainty about the future. Here are some tips and tools for self-care.

Use these resources to give you some inspiration to stay connected through daily questions and activities with your family! If you need help, Kids Help Phone is always there for you. No matter what you want to talk about, they’re there to listen. No judgment, totally private, 24/7.

 Self-care and mental health

 a cup of coffee held in hands
Stress is a normal response to everyday life, but too much stress, or feeling stressed all of the time, can take a toll on your wellbeing. When you’re away from friends and family, it can also make it harder to do things that usually make us feel better, like hugging a friend or loved one.

There are a lot of tips to help with these feelings, like these tips about how to manage fears about the future from Kids Help Phone, or the Red Cross Safety Plan in English and Inuktitut.

Activities like colouring, singing, dancing, and going out on the land can also be used for healthy self-care ideas. Here are some ideas to get you started:


First Aid and CPR courses in your area

Interested in taking a Red Cross First Aid or CPR course? Find a course in your community or online.

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