Alberta News and Stories

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Canadian Red Cross launches appeal for people affected by Alberta Wildfires

July 25, 2024 - The Canadian Red Cross has launched the 2024 Alberta Wildfires Appeal to help people and communities impacted by wildfires in Alberta.

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Michele Michetti

“It was amazing how much help we got”: an evacuee's account of the Northwest Territories wildfires

September 19, 2023 - For more than 20 hours, people fleeing wildfire in Northwest Territories drove south to get to safety and plan their next steps. Michele Michetti, 29, remembers seeing flames, but it’s the people that stick out the most in her memories on the drive from Yellowknife. 

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Medicine Hat, Alberta

Hope in the Face of Adversity: Kym Porter's Journey of Healing and Community Support in Medicine Hat

August 29, 2023 - In the picturesque community of Medicine Hat, Alberta, one woman has emerged as a beacon of hope, breaking down barriers and transforming tragedy into triumph.Kym Porter, a compassionate advocate for opioid harm reduction, has dedicated her life to empowering her community through naloxone training and combating the burden of stigma.

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Canadian Red Cross opens appeal to help Albertans impacted by wildfires

May 08, 2023 - The Canadian Red Cross has opened the 2023 Alberta Fires Appeal to help provide assistance to people across the province who have been impacted by wildfires.

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Red Cross volunteer Joe Michielsen in Nova Scotia

A Volunteer Journey

April 17, 2023 - “That’s just what I do. I am a long-term volunteer. I find it rewarding to get out there and help people. Somebody’s got to do it.”

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Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal

Alberta Red Cross Personnel Recognized

March 27, 2023 - Seventeen Canadian Red Cross volunteers and staff in Alberta received recognition with Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medals for their humanitarian work.

The Red Cross was honoured by a request from the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, the Honourable Salma Lakhani, to select and submit award recipients

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Recipient receives Order of Red Cross

Alberta Volunteer John Napier Inducted Into the Order of Red Cross

January 31, 2023 - “Volunteering has provided me the opportunity to connect with so many people, some in times of need, others in times of joy.  It has truly nourished my soul.”

John Napier is well-known in first aid and swimming and water safety. The long-time volunteer was inducted into the Order of Red Cross, Member Level, at a small gathering in Calgary this fall.

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Members of a southern Alberta 4-H Club with Red Cross Manager Penny Balfour

One Little Lamb Supports Red Cross humanitarian efforts in Ukraine

January 26, 2023 - The love and care invested in one little lamb went a long way recently after young members of a southern Alberta 4-H Club donated proceeds from a sheep auction to support Red Cross humanitarian efforts in Ukraine.

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Recipient receives Order of Red Cross

Alberta Volunteer Inducted into Order of Red Cross

January 20, 2023 - “For me, the impact of my life is actually knowing I am making a difference for people.”
Jackie Specken has been making a difference for more than 15 years as a Canadian Red Cross volunteer. She has volunteered in emergency management and deployed at local, provincial, and national levels. Additionally, she has supported volunteers and staff as an educator, mentor, advisor, and friend.

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Rasha Hassan smiling at camera

Language, culture, and mental health support following a disaster

January 08, 2023 - “Mental health is the foundation to support individuals during challenging times. There are many difficult decisions to be made under recovery that are stressful.”

Guy Choquet, the Red Cross Director of Operations, Alberta Fire Recovery in Fort McMurray was one of thousands of people evacuated when flood waters came into the downtown area on April 26, 2020.

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