Around the world, Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. While our responses may be different, based on the needs in our areas, our commitment to provide impartial aid to the most vulnerable can be seen in action. Here are just a few snapshots of the work underway.

When Canadians needed to stay in isolation following their return home, the Canadian Red Cross was there to provide essential supplies, meals, and mental health support. We are continuing to work closely with local organizations and government partners to deliver help where it’s needed.
Members of the Italian Red Cross have been working tirelessly to help people impacted by the pandemic. This has included work like delivering food, medical supplies and transporting patients.
Bangladesh Red Crescent volunteers have been working hard to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in communities. This has included activities like promoting handwashing and raising awareness.
As part of their response to COVID-19, the Turkish Red Crescent is providing meals to people who are staying in quarantine after travelling abroad.
Members of the Spanish Red Cross are working to get essentials, like food and hygiene kits, to people who are staying in isolation.
Even while responding to COVID-19, the Red Cross is ready for emergencies and disasters, like in Croatia where members of the Red Cross delivered aid following an earthquake while maintaining pandemic protocols.
The Red Cross has set up temporary general practitioners’ offices in the Netherlands to help relieve some of the pressure on the medical system. They are also supplying additional medical supplies.
Sri Lanka:
Members of the Sri Lankan Red Cross are working to spread awareness in communities. This includes distributing posters and leaflets with important information about how to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The Red Cross and Red Crescent will continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as other emergencies and disasters. You can help, by staying home to flatten the curve!
If you are interested in volunteering with the Red Cross, please visit our website to find a role that suits you - including helping to respond to the needs of those impacted by COVID-19.
How the Red Cross is still reaching those who need help, despite COVID-19
From cruise to quarantine: One couple's journey in a pandemic