Red Cross Cookie Monsters – we want to hear from you!

The communications team at the Canadian Red Cross in Ontario has been tasked with hosting a bake sale next week at our headquarters in Mississauga. We’re a small team, and dare I say, our collective baking skills are lacking. In truth, I’ve never baked a dessert before!

To help save our bake sale, I sent an SOS to a social media friend of the Red Cross, Paula Costa, known in social media as Dragon’s Kitchen.

Paula, a home cook, has quite the reputation for her culinary prowess; and I confess to having consumed more than my fair share of her baked goodies. Her dark chocolate cherry cookies have a reputation of their own!

Dark. Chocolate. Cherry. Cookies. Need I say more?

Before we can start baking, we need to decide which recipes to use. Help me choose which cookies to bake to ensure a successful bake sale. Funds raised at our staff bake sale help the Red Cross social committee plan team building events or activities.

Which of these yummy cookies would you most like to try?

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