Excellence in Volunteerism and Mentorship Award

The Excellence in Volunteerism and Mentorship Award was created to commemorate and carry on the legacy of a long-standing volunteer, Barney Chanda. The award serves to recognize those who exemplify Barney’s mission: Leaving the world a better place than he found it through small acts of kindness, compassion, and leading by example. Barney’s main goal was to promote safety education in all aspects of his life and career. He worked tirelessly in his community and across the country to mentor and teach others the value of volunteerism and leadership.
The first Canadian Red Cross Award for Excellence in Volunteerism and Mentorship was presented to Barney’s family to recognize Barney Chanda, in memoriam. The award is presented annually in March to recognize an individual whose volunteerism and mentorship contributes to creating a sense of place, importance, and safety for their community and those around them.
Award recipients are selected based on the following criteria:
The volunteer:
- Has given exceptional volunteer service in injury prevention, drowning prevention and training others to respond to injuries. This volunteer service is not confined to only volunteering for CRC.
- Demonstrates the spirit of volunteerism and mentorship through ongoing participation in their community, classroom, and beyond.
- Has consistently demonstrated initiative, resourcefulness, and commitment to the Fundamental Principles.
To learn valuable injury prevention skills through Red Cross First Aid training, visit myrc.redcross.ca to find a course near you.