February-March 2024, National Online Humanitarian Education Training

Credit: ICRC

This event is taking place in partnership with the Social Studies Educator Network of Canada/Réseau pour l’enseignement des sciences sociales du Canada, and the University of Ottawa Faculty of Education/Faculté d'éducation de l'Université d'Ottawa.
Help your students think critically about the wars they are witnessing around the world.This training, facilitated by subject matter experts walks teachers through FREE ready to use lessons about humanitarian issues and International Humanitarian Law. Lessons complement subjects such as global issues, social studies, history, law, civics and language arts. Curriculum maps can be requested for most subject areas.
Asynchronous content Includes instruction from Canadian Red Cross legal experts and humanitarian practitioners from the field, alongside teachers currently implementing humanitarian activities in their classrooms.
Thursday, February 15th
Thursday, February 22nd
Thursday, February 29th and
Thursday, March 7th
7:00-9:00 pm EST
Registration for this event is now closed.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact us at humanitarianeducation@redcross.ca.