Flooding Information and Support

Disasters and emergencies can cause significant disruption and add stress to your life. Preparing for and starting recovery from an emergency can be difficult. The Canadian Red Cross has compiled information and links to help you and your family with what can feel overwhelming. 

How to be prepared for flooding:

Learn more about how you and your family can be ready before flooding.

Helpful information after flooding:

Review the step-by-step Canadian Red Cross Guide to Flood Recovery for information on what to do when you return home after flooding.  
  • Flooding Checklist and Tips: general checklists and tips for navigating recovery such as how to keep documents together and organized, who to hire and not hire, who should be notified of the flooding, reminders of what to consider and tips for navigating potential flood insurance claims.
  • Home Inventory Checklist: a document to keep a list of your home inventory which is helpful both for insurance and other assistance programs. In the case of an insurance claim, an insurance provider would use a similar form to assess the cost to repair or replace lost or damaged items. These items are referred to as home contents.
  • Substantial Repair and Reconstruction Contract Checklist: Hiring a contractor for damage or rebuild? Use this checklist with tips as a guide when reviewing the contract prior to signing with a contractor.  
If you have insurance for flood events, consider the following:

Taking care of yourself and others:

Emergencies affect our wellbeing and mental health, disrupting our routines, and access to social support. Individuals, families, and communities can be impacted with little warning, and recovery can seem overwhelming. Review the guides below, and reach out for help and support for yourself and your loved ones.
  If you experience reactions that make it difficult to function normally over a long period of time, seek help. One option is to contact your local health facility, or a local crisis support line. For immediate assistance anywhere in Canada, call Talk Suicide Canada to connect to a crisis responder at 1-833-456-4566.

National support resources:

Become a Red Cross volunteer

Apply to become a volunteer. We will contact applicants depending on the needs in your community.