John arrived at the gym on February 26th feeling energized and ready to jump back into his routine. He was assigned to a station by the entrance for the class. But just as the warm-up began, something unexpected happened—John collapsed. His heart had stopped.
The First Response: CPR and AED Training Saves Lives
When John fell to the ground, he landed right in front of his classmate, Andrew Gurrisi. Since he was a teenager in Australia, Andrew trained in first aid and knew exactly how to respond. “I’ve been doing CPR training since I was 16 years old, in my mind it was very methodical,” Andrew recalled.Andrew immediately placed John in the recovery position, a critical first aid technique, and began assessing the situation. Carla, an emergency room nurse who was also in the class, quickly joined him. Together, they evaluated John’s condition, knowing they had to act fast.
Rob, the fitness instructor, was alerted and rushed to the scene. When he realized John wasn’t breathing and his pulse was fading, Rob immediately shouted for someone to call 911 (local emergency services). Rob then ran to get the gym’s AED (Automated External Defibrillator). This device can help restore a normal heart rhythm during sudden cardiac arrest.
Just months before, Rob had completed his annual first aid and CPR course with the Red Cross. Little did he know how soon his skills would be put to the test. “We were joking during the training,” he said. “But three months later, I’m running to get an AED to save someone’s life.”

CPR and AED: A Life-or-Death Situation
Carla quickly placed the AED pads on John’s chest, but the device could not detect a heartbeat at first. Finally, after several attempts, the AED advised a shock. “I never pushed a button harder than I did when it said administer shock,” Rob recalled. “He’s not dying on this floor.”
Just moments after the AED delivered the shock, and less than eight minutes after the 911 call, the fire department arrived. “It was the longest minutes of my life,” said Andrew. They took over the resuscitation efforts and rushed John to the hospital.
A Miraculous Recovery After Sudden Death
John was diagnosed with “sudden death,” a medical term for cardiac arrest. For days, he lay in a coma, his brain activity barely detectable.Doctors prepared his family for the worst. Yet, in a miraculous turn of events, John woke up and made a full recovery. Three weeks later, he celebrated his son’s first birthday.
Reflecting on the incident, John said, “In hindsight, it was the worst moment of my life. My son was 11 months old, he would have never known who I was”. As Rob later stated, “so many things needed to line up in order for it to be a positive outcome,” including the fact that there were three capable people in the gym that day who were ready and able to take quick action.
Andrew, Rob, and Carla were honoured with a Red Cross Rescuer Award for their heroic actions that day. John credits them with saving his life. “I am blown away from the kindness of strangers who jumped in to help me in a life-or-death moment,” said John. “It was only through the heroic actions of the fitness instructor and my classmates that I am here today.”
An Update from John: How CPR and AED Training Saved His Life
Why First Aid Training and AEDs Matter
This story is a powerful reminder of why first aid training, CPR, and AEDs are so crucial in emergency situations. Every second counts in a cardiac arrest and knowing what to do can mean the difference between life and death. The quick actions of Andrew, Rob, and Carla, combined with their CPR skills and the use of an AED, gave John a second chance at life. Rob emphasized the importance of first aid courses, saying, “You don’t think you need it [first aid training], until you need it, and when you do, you really need it. It’s a couple hours of your day,” said Rob.
The owner of the gym organizes and pays for training for staff every year and hosts classes for members. While not a requirement under law, the gym had an AED installed onsite. “Best money I spent,” said the gym’s owner.
Be Ready to Act: Get Trained with the Red Cross
Whether it's a heart attack at the gym, an accident, or a medical emergency, being ready can save lives. The Canadian Red Cross offers a wide range of first aid courses that cover everything from CPR to using an AED. For more than 80 years, the Red Cross has trained Canadians to handle emergencies, helping them feel ready and confident when it counts.Sign up today for a first aid training course and be ready to save a life, just like Andrew, Rob, and Carla did for John.