Even when the weather is bitterly cold, it doesn’t necessarily mean that ice is strong enough to be safe. The thickness of ice is the best way to determine if it is safe enough:
- At least 15cm is considered safe for walking or skating alone
- At least 20cm is considered safe for skating or playing games
- At least 25cm is considered safe for snowmobiles
Even when you do everything right, emergencies on the ice can happen. Here is what to do:
If you are out on the ice alone and in trouble, here is what to do:
- Call out for help
- Resist the urge to climb back where you fell in – the ice is weak there
- Use the air trapped in your clothing to get into a floating position on your stomach
- Reach forward onto the broken ice without pushing down – kick your legs and push your torso onto the ice flat
- Once you are back on the ice, crawl on your stomach or roll away from the open area with your arms and legs spread out as far as possible to evenly distribute your weight. Do not stand up!
- Look for shore and make sure you are heading in the right direction
- Call for help. Determine if you can quickly get help from trained professionals like police, fire fighters, or bystanders
- If you can reach the person using a long pole or branch from shore, lie down and extend the pole to the person in trouble
- If you need to go out onto the ice, wear a lifejacket or personal floatation device and carry a pole or branch to test the ice in front of you. Bring something for the person in trouble to reach out and grab, like a pole, weighted rope or line
- When you reach the break in the ice, lie down to distribute your weight and slowly crawl towards them without getting closer to the weak ice than necessary
- Remain low, extend or throw your rescue device
- Have the person kick while you pull them out
- Help the person to a safe place on shore, or where you are sure the ice is thick enough. Call for help
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