Photo of the day: Red Cross responding to flooding in Myanmar

Myanmar Red Cross Society volunteers respond to flooding

Heavy rains and damage from Cyclone Komen have caused extensive flooding and landslides in many parts of Myanmar. The Myanmar Red Cross Society is estimating that 178,000 people have been affected across 12 regions and states. It is expected that the number of people affected by this disaster will increase in the coming days as Red Cross teams reach remote areas and assess the damage.

Volunteers with the Myanmar Red Cross Society have been active since the flooding began. They are working closely with local authorities as well as other partners to help with rescue and evacuations, assessing needs and providing relief items such as food, water, shelter materials, blankets, clothes and more. The ICRC and IFRC are providing assistance to the Myanmar Red Cross to help people in some of the most severely affected regions.

The flooding has also caused damage to farmland, destroying thousands of acres, has disrupted communications and transportation infrastructure in the region.

The Canadian Red Cross has worked with the Myanmar Red Cross in projects to build local capacity to respond to disasters and stands ready to assist further if additional help is needed.

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