Tech Talk: Volunteer Spotlight - Tim Burrows

Meet the newest ambassador to the Canadian Red Cross Social Media Team, Tim Burrows. Tim is a sergeant with the Toronto Police Service and has been leading that organization's social media efforts.

Tim has been a long-time supporter to the Red Cross, always helping us to get the word out about key safety topics, such as water safety, first aid and bullying. Check out this blog post Tim wrote about the Red Cross.

"I have seen first-hand, on numerous occasions, the important and often vital role that the Canadian Red Cross plays when disaster strikes, when a need arises or just simply when awareness needs to be raised.  Being part of the Canadian Red Cross Social Team allows me to help spread the messages that are so important to the health and safety of Canadians that might otherwise not hear the voice of an incredible Canadian organization!"

The Canadian Red Cross Social Media Team is a group of volunteers that use their social media networks to raise awareness during times of disasters. Already the Team has helped the Red Cross in several disasters, including: Horn of Africa drought, Turkey earthquake and Attawapiskat.

We need your help. Anyone can become a member of our Social Media Team. Here's how it works:

Once you sign up here, you will receive alerts during times of disasters when then the Canadian Red Cross is raising funds. You will be provided basic information on how the Red Cross is responding and how supporters can make a donation. The Red Cross doesn't raise funds for every disaster; it depends on whether the affected community has asked for its support.

By simply sharing information provided by the Red Cross on how to donate or, you will be providing much-needed support in times of international and national disasters.

You will be volunteering for the Red Cross in a meaningful way.

See your impact in action.

Sign up to receive impact updates from the Canadian Red Cross, inspirational stories from the field and be the first to hear about emergency relief efforts.

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