Youth shine at national AGM

The Canadian Red Cross held its annual general meeting in Halifax this past weekend. Of course, important announcements were made including a new partnership with CIDA, awards were handed out, and staff and volunteers shared successes from the past year.

One thing that stood out at the meeting was the presence and contribution of youth. From a photo opp of everyone wearing pink t-shirts in recognition of the Red Cross’ work on bullying prevention to an award recognizing Red Cross first response teams in high schools in Atlantic Canada, young people were front and centre at the AGM.

Youth volunteeers Alisha Virmani, Emily Leaman and Sam VanderVeer with the Youth Engagement Award presented for the high school first response teams initiative in Atlantic Canada.


At the Canadian Red Cross, youth are defined as those under the age of 30. But rather than being lumped into a single category or program, youth are involved with the Canadian Red Cross in their community as volunteers, staff, donors and participants in a variety of Red Cross programs.

Sam VanderVeer, a volunteer who chairs the national youth engagement advisory committee, shares why he decided to get involved as a Red Cross volunteer.

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