Photo Tuesday: BBQ at Edmonton Red Cross House

Every Tuesday, we publish a photo (or two) to show Red Cross at work across the country or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know!

This week’s photos come to us from the Edmonton Red Cross office. Local staffer Nicole Farn explains.

Although summer has been a bit reluctant to come around these parts this year, staff and volunteers eagerly attended an appreciation BBQ outside Edmonton Red Cross House on a rare sunny day. The smells of summertime food and the music of The Beach Boys enticed us out of our offices and onto the lawn to enjoy all the fixings of a summer picnic. It was a great opportunity to not only enjoy the spread, but to also enjoy the company of our dedicated volunteers, salute the good work of our staff, and, of course, have a little fun! We had a little friendly competition to test our skills in the fine art of sidewalk chalk design, yo-yoing prowess and skipping ability. Valiant efforts in the disciplines of water balloon tossing, bubble blowing and showing festive spirit were also rewarded with coveted trophies and bragging rights alike!

Red Cross staff and volunteers gather to celebrate the sunshine outside Edmonton Red Cross House.
Red Cross staff and volunteers gather to celebrate the sunshine outside Edmonton Red Cross House.

Competitors try to stay dry (mostly to no avail) for the water balloon toss, one of many fun-filled activities on hand at the appreciation BBQ held in Edmonton.
Competitors try to stay dry (mostly to no avail) for the water balloon toss, one of many fun-filled activities on hand at the appreciation BBQ held in Edmonton.

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