The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

TONGA: When Cyclone Ian made landfall in Tonga on January 10, it caused widespread destruction in the Ha’apai Islands. The IFRC has been working with the Tonga Red Cross Society training emergency response teams and prepositioning disaster relief supplies in preparation for events like Cyclone Ian. Tonga has a strong community support network and families are already helping each other. Fifty Red Cross volunteers involved in the assessments are from the most affected villages and Ha’apai branch Emergency Response Teams are working closely with government agencies. Shelter, household items such as cooking equipment lighting, water and health are the immediate priorities.
AFGHANISTAN: Security presents a major challenge in Afghanistan for civilians and aid workers. Indiscriminate attacks, military operations affecting civilians and overall instability were on the rise in 2013. Despite the challenges, the ICRC and the Afghan Red Crescent Society strove to reach those in need.  The ICRC's priorities in its current work in Afghanistan include ensuring not only that civilians are spared from harm, but also that all parties to the conflict understand and accept that the safety of, and respect for, medical personnel, facilities and transport are paramount. Gaining acceptance, security and safe access for Red Cross and Red Crescent workers is crucial, so that they can carry out their humanitarian work in safety, and in accordance with the core principles of neutrality, independence and humanity.

IFRC = International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
ICRC = International Committee of the Red Cross

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