Head of Syrian Arab Red Crescent in Canada to share update on humanitarian situation

This week, the Canadian Red Cross welcomed the president of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) in Ottawa. Dr. Abdul Rahman Attar met with Red Cross staff and partners to provide an update on the humanitarian crisis in Syria and to ask for additional support. This was a unique opportunity to learn more about the situation on the ground.

Since the conflict began two years ago, three million people have been displaced within Syria and hundreds of thousands more have taken refuge in neighbouring countries. That means families moving to neighbouring cities to live with family, in camps or seeking shelter in public buildings, sometimes moving more than once.

Through the efforts of SARC working with the World Food Program, the ICRC, the Federation and other NGOs, two million people are receiving aid consisting food and non-food items, as well as water, first aid and medical services from mobile clinics every month, but the needs are much greater.

Delivering aid in Syria is not easy. Dr. Attar describes the multitude of challenges facing his volunteers: crossing numerous checkpoints, getting caught in the crossfire and responding to the ever increasing needs. Seventeen volunteers have died while on duty with the SARC since the beginning of the conflict. What struck many of us listening to Dr. Attar’s presentation was the level of commitment of SARC volunteers who continue their work despite these challenges and dangers.

It was also interesting to hear how the SARC works in much the same way as the Canadian Red Cross. Volunteers undergo extensive training, must remain neutral and respect the seven Fundamental principles of the Red Cross Red Crescent movement, and work in their local community where they are familiar with the area and are trusted and accepted by the population. This network of local branches across the country is what has enable SARC to have access to people who need aid.

Canadians can support humanitarian efforts in Syria by donating to the Middle East/North Africa Crisis Fund.

In the short video above, Dr. Attar talks about the impact of the conflict on children in Syria.

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