The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

EUROPE: The extreme cold wave gripping Central and Eastern Europe continues and has led to the death of over 80 people from hypothermia and frostbite, caused power outages, traffic chaos and seen the closure of schools and nurseries in parts of Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Serbia, Romania and Russia. Red Cross Societies in the countries gripped by the cold have been working around the clock to meet the basic needs of the affected people, with hot meals, warm clothing and blankets.

SOUTH SUDAN: After six months as an independent country, South Sudan still faces humanitarian challenges. The ICRC, working mainly in the volatile northern regions bordering Sudan, strives to ensure civilians are respected and the wounded are protected and receive treatment. It also provides aid for conflict-affected communities.


ICRC = International Committee of the Red Cross

IFRC = International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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