Red Cross Stories : Violence, Bullying and Abuse Prevention (Page 4)

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Violence, Bullying and Abuse Prevention

Celebrate International Day for Tolerance with the Red Cross

November 07, 2012 - Each year on November 16, the global community observes International Day for Tolerance.

How can you help prevent sexual exploitation?

November 01, 2012 - For those who are suffering due to sexual exploitation, the emotional, psychological and social damage caused by the abuse can lead to long-term trauma.

What are the top 10 ways that you can stand up to bullying?

October 23, 2012 - By taking a stand against bullying - in your school, online and in the community - you can help prevent bullying before it starts.

Do you know the building blocks of a healthy relationship?

October 17, 2012 - By learning the building blocks of a healthy and respectful relationship, young people across the country can begin to break away from the toxic cycle of abuse.

Red Cross honours spirit of International Day of Non-Violence year-round

September 28, 2012 - On October 2, the global community will join in reverence of the International Day of Non-Violence.

Are you ready to show how much you c.a.r.e.?

September 20, 2012 - Are you ready to challenge abuse through respect education?

Keep your children safe from exploitation on- and offline

September 17, 2012 - Did you know that approximately one in five children are sexually solicited online?

How can schools reduce the risk of bullying?

August 29, 2012 - Did you know that one in five Canadian youths report being bullied regularly?

Survey shows one-third of students in Ontario are bullied

August 07, 2012 - A team of researchers at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) conducted a survey of students in grades seven through 12 and discovered that about 29 percent of kids are bullied at school.

How to foster resilience in kids following exposure to domestic abuse

August 01, 2012 - Experiencing domestic abuse can be a traumatizing event in a child's life, potentially hindering social development and performance at school. However, once these children in need are identified, there are ways in which