Red Cross Executive Cabinet in Saskatchewan

Topics: Saskatchewan
April 11, 2019

Thank you to all of our Executive Cabinet volunteers for taking time and energy to help further the work of the Red Cross.

Red Cross executive cabinet members
Pictured left to right: Tim Loftsgard, Mo Bundon, Eric Cline, Steve McLellan, Tami Wall (Chair), Dorothy Slawinski, Kimberly Stonechild and Lance Donison. Missing: Craig Reynolds.
The RED Gala, organized by friends of the Red Cross, raised over half a million dollars. Funds from the gala support Saskatchewan people affected by disaster and help teach thousands of kids how to stand up to bullying.
Red Gala cheque 
Murad and Michelle Al-Katib, Gillian Riley and Conrad Sauvé with cheque for $502,000.

Saskatchewan 2018-2019 Report Back to Communities
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