Bridging the Years - Friendly Phone Program

Topics: Saskatchewan, Volunteer, Volunteer
Michelle Palansky | July 08, 2019

Evelyn Kowalchuk and Alysia Ness, members of the Red Cross Friendly Phone program

There are almost four decades between Evelyn Kowalchuk and Alysia Ness. Evelyn is a retiree who lives in Canora and Alysia is a land and minerals coordinator in Churchbridge. The differences between them are significant and yet they spend hours each month chatting together. They are both members of the Canadian Red Cross Friendly Phone Program.

It has been almost a year since Evelyn and Alysia were paired in the program. Depending on their schedules, Evelyn and Alysia visit a couple of hours a week. They talk about anything and everything – their personal lives, current events, anything that catches their fancy.

Alysia enjoys her visits with Evelyn. “I like to visit and learn new things. I am also glad that I can make a difference for someone and it gives me perspective in terms of how things become more challenging as you age.”

Evelyn likes the conversation. “It is nice to have a new friend, as it is harder to make friends [as you age].”
It can be challenging for people who live in secluded areas or who have mobility issues to maintain a healthy social life. The Friendly Phone Program aims to pair seniors with Red Cross volunteers for occasional phone visits so that they can enjoy regular calls.

 “It benefits someone who is lonely, especially for someone who doesn’t have a lot of family around,” says Evelyn.

Alysia explains why she volunteers. “I think that nowadays people are so focused on themselves and what is in it for them, that they forget that there are others out there that need help. They [seniors] have so much knowledge and information to share. They also make great friends because they are so thoughtful and considerate.”

Folks interested in volunteering or a senior wanting a new friend connection for the Canadian Red Cross Friendly Phone Program can call 306-216-6602, email or visit the website.
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