The Maldives

The small country located south-west of India is spread across 1,190 coral islands grouped into 26 atolls.  With a population of roughly 369,000 people, the Maldives was greatly impacted by the 2004 Tsunami. Rising sea-levels is one of the biggest threats to the country as 99 per cent of the Maldives is made up of sea.

The Canadian Red Cross has spent more than 19.0 million dollars on the emergency, recovery and development phase of post-tsunami, helping the most vulnerable people in the Maldives recover.

The Maldivian Red Crescent did not exist prior to the 2004 tsunami. It was officially recognized as the 187th member in November, 2011. Since the tsunami, the Canadian Red Cross has been supporting the Maldivian Red Crescent to establish itself as a solid, recognized and sustainable identity.

Click here to read VP Booklet for the Maldives.

The Canadian Red Cross is working with the Maldivian Red Crescent to enhance institutional structures, systems, skills and capacities to allow the local society to be able to respond quickly to future disasters. Building community preparedness is key, and the Maldivian Red Crescent has been building the capacity of local branches throughout the atolls.


The Canadian Red Cross is also supporting the Maldivian Red Crescent on violence prevention efforts in the Maldives in the hope of assisting the most vulnerable members of society.