First Aid (Page 15)

Read blog posts from the Canadian Red Cross about First Aid and CPR

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Fall survival guide

Fall – a time for apple-picking and breath-taking foliage. It’s also the season where a lot of us feel our energy levels drop as the sun sets earlier and earlier. Here are a few tips to get through fall relatively painlessly!

10 things your child needs to know for Halloween

While little monsters are gearing up for their big night out in costume, here are 10 safety tips to ensure they get home hassle-free after trick-or-treating. There's certainly nothing to fear from vampires and witches, but the risk of your child getting burned, injured or lost is real.

Tips for cold and flu season

I got a cold in September; early enough for others experiencing similar symptoms to question if it was their allergies but, as I don’t get allergies, I knew it was the dreaded cold. This one was with sinus congestion and a wicked, hacking cough. If you too think you’re welcoming in the colder weather with a, well, cold, here are some tips to follow to minimize its duration and spread to others.

Eight first aid tips for runners

a group of runners on a road as they compete in a race

Up until I discovered trail running about six months ago, I hated running. Of course, going downhill around roots and rocks increases your chances of tripping, but I love the challenge that this kind of intense concentration requires. Whether you run on pavement or far from civilization, here are a few first aid tips to keep you safe.

a group of runners on a road as they compete in a race

Calgary man uses his new first aid skills - on himself!

Last year, Robert Falconer went into anaphylactic shock. The experience inspired him to become trained in first aid. Shortly after he got his training, Robert needed to use those skills. 

First aid: How to respond to concussions or head injuries

Two women playing soccer

Full disclosure: I play soccer and have seen my fair share of head injuries on the field and I feel fairly confident in what to do, but when it comes to my rambunctious and active toddler, I’m sometimes unsure if I need to be concerned about a bump to the head or when I can chalk it up to just another bruise that isn’t going to slow him down.

Two women playing soccer

Electric shock drowning: what is it and how to prevent it

​Electric shock drowning is relatively new given the rise of power-driven docks in recent decades but its consequences can be severe; it’s important to consider safety when around water and electricity. Electric shock could happen when electric current leaks into the surrounding body of water, causing the water to become energized.

Myth busting: Should you really pee on a jellyfish sting?

Planning to go to the beach this summer? If you happen to cross paths with an angry jellyfish and you get stung, please know that there is no need to embarrass yourself by asking a friend to pee on your wound. 

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