Red Cross responding to latest tsunami in Indonesia

| December 23, 2018


Donate to the Indonesia Earthquake & Tsunami Appeal.
In the evening of December 22, Indonesia was struck by another deadly tsunami.
The disaster comes only months after the country was hit by a series of devastating earthquakes and tsunami in September.
The latest tsunami is believed to have been caused by undersea landslides due to volcanic activity from the Krakatoa volcano. The powerful waves hit at night, destroying homes and hotels, and sweeping dozens of people into the sea. 

In the immediate aftermath, the Indonesian Red Cross mobilized local disaster teams to carry out search and rescue efforts, deliver immediate assistance and undertake rapid assessment of the situation and needs.

Relief goods including blankets, water, tarps, clean-up kits, family kits and hygiene kits have been dispatched from a regional warehouse.

The Canadian Red Cross has been supporting emergency operations in Indonesia since the earthquake and tsunami in September. Canadian Red Cross is ready to offer additional support to this disaster if called upon.

Canadians wishing to help in the aftermath of both disasters can donate to the Indonesia Earthquake & Tsunami Appeal.