Red Cross works to reduce child abuse

Topics: NationalViolence, Bullying and Abuse Prevention
| August 29, 2013

As one of the most active charity organizations in Canada, the Canadian Red Cross offers an essential degree of support to individuals affected by emergencies, disasters and other hardships, like violence and abuse.

Emotional, physical and sexual abuse are serious issues in the country, and when children are impacted by this form of violence, it can result in long-lasting damage to their developing bodies and psyches. When children are also the victims of neglect, it can make them angry, confused and unsure who to turn to for support.

With the information and referrals provided by the Canadian Red Cross, people in Canada are able to gain much-needed resources. In situations where child abuse has occurred, Red Cross assistance can provide adults, youth and children with the skills needed to recognize and put a stop to potentially abusive situations.

Students make a difference
Whether a child is emotionally hurt through being rejected, ignored or terrorized, or harmed physically through neglect, physical or sexual abuse, it is an attack on his or her self-esteem and can result in the child becoming doubtful of his or her own abilities and self-worth.

Recently, two practicum students from St. Thomas University in Fredericton, New Brunswick, educated local students on preventing violence against children through the Canadian Red Cross It's Not Your Fault workshop.

Ashley Smith-Clark and Chelsey Healy, students specializing in social work, have reached more than 1,000 students in grades seven to eight, talking about issues like child abuse, neglect and ways to prevent it.

"Our goal is not to scare young people, but rather to be honest with them and make sure they have the information they need," said Ashley.

What should you do?
If you suspect that child abuse is going on, you should immediately take action. If a child talks to you, affirm his or her courage to get help.  Do not conduct an interview, report the situation to your local child protection agency or police and document. If you suspect a child is in an unsafe situation, document what you have seen or heard and talk with your local child protection agency or police.

It is important that children know that abuse and neglect are never their fault and that adults realize that their most important job is ensuring the safety of the children in their lives and treating them with respect. 

Making a difference
Child abuse can result in irrevocable damage to children's developing bodies and psyches and prevent them from leading the healthy, happy and fulfilling lives that they deserve as a result of the wounds of the past.

The only way to prevent long-term physical and emotional damage to children is to put an end to child abuse and behaviours that could be harmful to one's developing self. The violence and abuse prevention programs offered by the Canadian Red Cross help individuals recognize the signs of abuse and develop interpersonal skills that can reduce the likelihood of them occurring in the future.

In addition, the Canadian Red Cross provides people across Canada and abroad with access to relief programs following emergencies and disasters. Other programs focused on water safety, first aid and CPR skills and a range of other areas help the Canadian Red Cross' empower men, women and children in need and offer them resources to overcome these challenges.

If you want to help the Canadian Red Cross in its humanitarian mission and make a difference in the lives of those in need, donate online or at your local Canadian Red Cross today.

With every contribution, you can give the Red Cross the support needed to provide an essential layer of support to people who have been affected by adversity.