Are you ready to become a Water Safety Instructor?

Topics: NationalWater Safety
| March 08, 2013

As one of the country's most active non-profit organizations, the Canadian Red Cross has a long history of supporting water safety through programs that provide individuals of all ages with valuable skills they can use in the water.

Part of the Canadian's Red Cross' humanitarian mission is training knowledgeable and helpful instructors who are able to raise awareness of the importance of swimming and water safety throughout the year.

If you're passionate about giving back to your community and you love being in the water, you should consider the benefits of becoming a Water Safety Instructor.

Making a difference
More than 20,000 Canadians are certified annually as Water Safety Instructors and are given the resources they need to promote healthy practices both in and around the water.

But what does becoming a Red Cross certified Water Safety Instructor really entail? Each person who enrolls in the program completes more than 75 hours of training and is given the opportunity to practice skills in a hands-on atmosphere.

The Canadian Red Cross is committed to engaging young people in programs that allow them to build leadership abilities and make new friendships. As Water Safety Instructors, young people over the age of 15 have the chance to help others and gain new knowledge about safety.

Exciting new opportunities
For Canadians who plan to pursue careers as swimming coaches, the Canadian Red Cross' latest initiative may be the key toward achieving that goal.

In partnership with Swimming Canada and the Coaching Association of Canada, the Canadian Red Cross has agreed to offer an accelerated training option for those who want to become swimming coaches.

Individuals who work as Water Safety Instructors now have the ability to earn their National Coaching Certification Program Swimming Teacher certification in the process, which is the standard minimum certification for those working in sports clubs.

Show your support
For more than 65 years, the Canadian Red Cross has worked to improve the swimming abilities and water safety techniques of Canadians throughout the country. Training passionate and motivated individuals to become Water Safety Instructors helps make aquatic activities more engaging and informative for people!

If you're interested in learning more about this and many other great programs offered by the Canadian Red Cross, visit us online or contact your local Canadian Red Cross office for further details.

You can also show your support by choosing to donate to the Canadian Red Cross today. Each contribution helps benefit those in need and provide them with valuable resources.