15 tips to keep up good COVID habits

We get it: keeping up good COVID-19 habits day in, day out is tough. It’s easy to fall into the old ways of going about our lives. However it's vital we keep up new habits to stop the spread.

Remind yourself that your actions help people, friends and family to stay healthy and safe.

Here are a few easy tactics to help.

  1. Check your local health authorities’ advice often for updates.
  2. Wear a mask when you can’t physically distance from others. Take the time to properly fit your face mask so it’s comfortable and covers your nose, mouth and chin snugly. 

  3. Wash your hands before you leave home and immediately after returning.

  4. Shop at hours that are less busy (like early in the morning or mid afternoon).

  5. Keep a going out checklist near the front door eg “Keys, wallet, phone, mask, sanitiser”.

  6. Be wary of news from untrusted sources (it could be misinformation).

  7. Share your new covid habits on your social feeds. “Hey everyone, I’m just letting you know I love you, but I’m not going to shake hands or hug for the next little while. Together we can #StopTheSpread.”

  8. If you wear glasses, try an anti-fog spray when wearing a mask to stop condensation. ​

  9. Keep hand sanitizer in different places (your car, bag, by the door), so you don’t forget it when you go out.

  10. Sanitize your hands when entering and leaving shops.A man and a woman wearing medical masks pose with bags of groceries. The woman wears a red cross jacket.

  11. Keep your hands away from your face (yes, this one is tricky!) 

  12. Follow your local health authorities’ advice on limiting your social bubble.

  13. Occupy yourself (and your little ones if you have them!) with fun at-home activities. We’ve listed a bunch of interesting and free activities that you can do from the comfort of your living room here and here.

  14. Look after your physical and mental health (see our psychological first aid resources). See a doctor if you need health support.

  15. Stay home if you have any signs of COVID-19 and organise to get tested – don’t delay.

Well done! Congratulate yourself for looking after the community, your friends and family. We’re in this together – and we’ll get through COVID-19, together.


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