Personal protective equipment helps ensure no one gets left behind during COVID-19

The Alexandra Community Health Centre, also known as The Alex, is a Calgary-based non-profit that aims to deliver innovative and accessible health and social solutions to vulnerable residents.
When COVID-19 was declared, The Alex, like many other organizations, searched for ways to continue providing services in a safe manner.
An Alex employee in personal protective equipment giving a thumbs-upThrough the Canadian Red Cross “Preventing Disease Transmission Training and Equipment Program”, The Alex received personal protective equipment (PPE) in the form of masks and gloves, and access to training for its frontline workers. Funding for this training and equipment is made possible through the generous support of the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund.
“The Alex has truly valued from the grant of PPE from the Canadian Red Cross. It helps our staff interact safely as we respond to the needs in Calgary. Our Housing First teams are able to reach out to our housed community, many of whom have complex health needs and are at high-risk, to safely provide healthy food, basic needs and critical human connection. 
“Our Community Food Centre is now safely able to provide meals and food hampers, and to host an outdoor market to ensure those experiencing food insecurity are not left behind. When masking was mandated, this generous donation of PPE allowed us to provide for community members, so they were able to access important services and take the first steps to begin integrating back into their neighbourhoods.” Heather Innes, Senior Engagement Manager, The Alex
The Canadian Red Cross is funding the continuation of this work thanks to the generous support of the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund granting program.

If your organization is a non-profit that delivers services to those who are the most vulnerable to the health and social impacts of COVID-19 you may also be eligible for grant funding or free personal protective equipment (PPE) and training.

Between October 5 and October 30, 2020, a second round of funding, PPE and training is being made available to community organizations. For more information, please visit

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