Canadian Red Cross honours World Red Cross Day

Happy World Red Cross Day! May 8 was chosen as World Red Cross Day to honour the birthday of Henry Dunant, the Swiss founder of the Red Cross. 

Today the Canadian Red Cross honours World Red Cross Day by celebrating 150 years of humanitarian action by the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. 

Today we honour the important work being done by Red Cross Red Crescent societies worldwide and here at home. In the 150 years since the founding of the Red Cross, Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers and staff have supported more than 160 million people in emergency response, ranging from disaster to civil unrest.

Take a look at this video created by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies that honours the work of all National Societies over the past 150 years.  To learn more about World Red Cross Day visit the IFRC or ICRC.

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