The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

SPAIN: In 2000, the Spanish Red Cross launched an employment plan to promote the job placement of people at20130124-spain-jobs-crisis-main increased risk of social exclusion. Through this project, the organization advises, trains and steers people affected by the economic crisis towards a job or career, and offers them psychosocial support to help them regain confidence in their abilities. The program also includes a specific module for those who would like to start their own business.  Since the launch of the project 12 years ago, the National Society has reached a total of 258,269 people.

PHILIPPINES: Supported by the IFRC, the Philippine Red Cross has been working every day to meet the needs of communities affected by Typhoon Bopha. Despite the fact that they are working in many areas where no other aid organizations are present, the magnitude of the disaster means that it is a challenge to deliver assistance to all who need it.  The IFRC has launched an emergency appeal to help the Philippine Red Cross provide humanitarian assistance to 200,000 people.

SOUTH AFRICA: In South African townships, where there are high levels of violence and crime, young people can easily be enticed to join gangs and get involved in crime. Khayelitsha Township in Cape Town is no exception. Yet, as is the case across much of Africa, football, better known as soccer in Canada, is played and watched with great enthusiasm. As South Africa hosts the African Cup of Nations tournament where elite athletes are showcased, ICRC explores the potential for football to be used as a vehicle for social development, keeping youth away from illegal activities, while developing sporting and life skills. The ICRC has partnered with AMANDLA EduFootball, a Cape Town based NGO to find out more about the impact such programmes can have in reducing youth violence in townships.


IFRC = International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

ICRC =International Committee of the Red Cross

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