The Red Cross Round-up

The Round-up offers a weekly sample of what our sister Red Cross Societies are working on around the world.

GAMBIA: Drought has affected tens of thousands of Gambian families, forcing them to sell assets and livestock or survive on charity and foraging. Many families were unable to set aside seeds for the planting season, which occurs during the first two weeks of June. Some were even forced to eat their seeds as a means of survival. This makes it impossible for a large proportion of the poorest families to plant in the coming season, which will inevitably result in another year of severe hardship. Recognizing that this is the most serious long-term aspect of the crisis, the Gambian Red Cross will distribute seeds and fertilizer as a part of its efforts.

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES: Networks that include the IFRC and National Societies together will result in more effective humanitarian interventions. This was the message that President Konoé promoted on a recent mission to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in April where he met with leaders from the UAE Red Crescent  Society and was informed of its activities, both domestic and international. He invited the UAE Red Crescent to play a leadership role in helping to build stronger ties between Red Cross and Red Crescent and the IFRC, locally and globally.


IFRC = International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

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