Photo of the Day: Rescuers get kudos

Every day, we publish a photo to show the Red Cross at work across the country or around the world. Do you have a photo to share? Let us know!

Rescuer Award Presentation

We love sharing stories of people who turn first aid training into lifesaving actions. This group of Walmart staff members from London, Ontario, recently received Canadian Red Cross Rescuer Awards for their team effort to save the life of a little girl who was choking on a candy while shopping with her family. Karrie Barber, on the left, immediately came to her rescue and successfully performed abdominal thrusts to dislodge the candy. Meanwhile, the other first aiders took control of the scene, kept people calm and comforted the family. From left to right, award recipients Karrie Barber, Jill Coles, Rick Summerhill and Connie Twist.

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