SmartStart volunteer shares knowledge with fellow new Canadians

Topics: Manitoba, Prevention and Safety Education, Service Roles (involves client interaction), Newcomers
Laura Ellis | October 05, 2022

FB-16-x-9-(1).jpgWhen Francisco Bastidas first moved to Canada from Colombia in 2018, he was eager to get involved with his new community in Winnipeg. By the end of the year, Francisco had become a volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross program “SmartStart: Injury Prevention for Newcomers.”

“I was looking to volunteer in a related field to my background in psychology, health and safety. I saw (these topics) were related to what the Red Cross was doing here in Canada with SmartStart.”

SmartStart volunteers like Francisco host online and in-person workshops to help new Canadians learn skills and important information after relocating to Manitoba. Participants learn a basic understanding of home safety, when and how to use 911 emergency services and best practices for infant and child safety. A particular focus is also paid to extreme weather risks in Canada.

Even though Francisco never took part in SmartStart as a participant, his own experience as a newcomer has helped him understand and empathize with what others are going through.

“Seeing people relating to what you experienced before is interesting. You can transfer information to people in a way they can understand because you can feel the way they are feeling. I think, that for me, that's the best way to connect with people.”

If you’re in Winnipeg or Brandon, you can learn more about participating the Red Cross SmartStart program. Newcomers across Canada are encouraged to explore first aid courses available near you, as well as Red Cross resources, programs and services in the community.
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