In his words: an interview with a volunteer from PEI

Our volunteers consist of thousands of Canadians, generously giving their time to help others in need. Here we sit down with one such volunteer from P.E.I., Jamie MacKay who shares what he has seen and experienced as a volunteer, and why he does it.

Tell us a little about yourself:

Canadian Red Cross volunteer Jamie MacKayI’m married with three adult daughters and travel throughout Canada and the United States for work, performing geotechnical investigations. I’ve volunteered on numerous boards and organizations such as Junior Achievement, minor hockey, and the College of Piping and Celtic Performing Arts of Canada. I contribute time to community development projects, fundraising, collecting toys, quilts and clothing for people in need, and have established an emergency shelter at my local church hall. I also volunteer with the Lest We Forget Veterans Committee, and am currently helping set up a local community food garden for seniors and school breakfast programs. I prepare and deliver hot meals to seniors at Christmas and travel throughout the Maritimes with the Atlantic Air Show each summer.

How long have you been volunteering with the Red Cross organization?  

Three years

Would you share some of your most memorable experiences?

Besides my wedding and the birth of my kids, my deployment to British Columbia during the wildfires and working one-on-one with evacuees was something I will never forget. Another memorable moment was when I spent time comforting a Second World War veteran as he described his time in battle and at a concentration camp.

What kind of programs have you been involved in with the Red Cross?

I am a deputy provincial team lead and will soon establish a Health Equipment Loan Program depot in Kensington, P.E.I. I have been involved in numerous disaster responses and deployed for three weeks to British Columbia in 2017.

Why do you volunteer with the Canadian Red Cross?

I enjoy helping people. My first experience with Red Cross was 14 years ago when shortly before Christmas, my sister’s home was destroyed by fire. The Red Cross helped make her life and that of her family much easier following the disaster.
If you would like to consider volunteering, visit

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