March is Red Cross month

Topics: National, Emergencies and Disasters Worldwide
March 08, 2013

March is Red Cross month

Emergencies and disasters occur across the world every day, and when they strike, they can negatively impact people in major ways. 

As one of the most active charity organizations in the country, the Canadian Red Cross is committed to responding to the needs of people in areas where humanitarian conditions have broken down.

From providing access to food, water, shelter and clothing to offering a range of services that enhance the skills and knowledge of individuals affected by adversity, Canadian Red Cross programs give people assistance when they need it most.

March is Red Cross month
Every year, the Canadian Red Cross observes Red Cross month in March and honours the efforts undertaken by the Red Cross Movement to fulfill the humanitarian mission of the organization as a whole.

The Canadian Red Cross is one of 187 National Societies, yet its unique impact can be felt in a variety of ways, both locally and internationally.

From 2011 to 2012, the Canadian Red Cross assisted 46,719 people in Canada affected by disasters and more than 100,000 hours were devoted by Red Cross volunteers to helping those in need after disasters. 

How can you celebrate Red Cross month?
The month of March, this can be the perfect time to get to know your local Canadian Red Cross offices and explore opportunities to engage with the organization in more impactful ways.

If you want to be part of local initiatives, you may want to consider volunteering for an event in your area. Expressing your interest in humanitarian works is often the first step toward not only learning more about the operation of a non-profit, but also creating lasting social change that you can be proud to be included in.

To show your support, you can also choose to donate today, either online or at your local Canadian Red Cross office!

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