
The Canadian Red Cross is committed to engaging in critical research on issues relevant to the humanitarian sector, to inform our programs and to promote awareness.  Below is a list of publications.

Predictable, Preventable: Best Practices in Addressing Self-Directed and Interpersonal Violence During and After Disasters

In our world, disasters continue to disrupt and damage landscapes and human lives.  Yet, as survivors regain their footing, seek shelter and livelihoods, and try to rebuild, they face many hurdles. Among these, but often unspoken and secret, is the devastation caused by the violence that can follow disasters. People’s safety and security become undermined not only by the disaster but also by violence in the forms of abuse, exploitation, harassment, discrimination and rejection from other survivors and those who are supposed to help. This report examines the issue of violence that emerges during and after disasters, highlighting case studies from the Americas and provides best practices on ways to address violence in disaster contexts.

Photo Essay

On the Edges of Conflict

The nature of armed conflict has undergone significant changes since the inception of the modern humanitarian movement.  In 2007, the Canadian Red Cross  in partnership with the Liu Institute for Global Issues at the University of British Columbia came together to launch the On the Edges of Conflict an initiative aimed at better understanding the changing nature of armed conflicts and the application of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in complex security environments.  This report features a summary of the initiative and the policy papers developed by key Canadian scholars on contemporary challenges in IHL.

On the Edges of Conflict

Customary International Humanitarian Law: Challenges, Practices and Debates

In 2005, the Canadian Red Cross in partnership with McGill University held a conference exploring customary International Humanitarian Law.  The conference was a neutral and dynamic ground for conceptual debates that brought together professors, researchers and academics from Canada, United States and Europe; civil and criminal law practitioners; military personnel; representatives from the Government of Canadian ; representatives from non-governmental organizations and university students. 

International Conference Customary International Humanitarian Law: challenges, practices and debates

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