Photo of the Day: Red Cross responds to Ontario ice storm


Dufferin County
Dufferin County
Volunteers from Hamilton, Perth, Oshawa, Toronto and many other cities to assist Dufferin County
Volunteers from Hamilton, Perth, Oshawa, Toronto and many other cities to assist Dufferin County
Hydro crews work to restore power
Hydro crews work to restore power
Disaster response briefing and Instructions
Disaster response briefing and Instructions
Power lines down
Power lines down
Power lines down
Power lines down
Add ice and wind and you have a powerful storm
Add ice and wind and you have a powerful storm


On Friday morning, most of southern Ontario woke up to an ice storm that rolled in overnight and continued to blast the province with icy weather much into the weekend. The freezing rain and high winds combined knocked down power lines causing power outages across Ontario. Canadian Red Cross volunteers helped to ensure that residents were keeping safe and warm inside their homes and supported regional warming centres in Dufferin County and the Region of Waterloo for those affected by the power outage. Power has been restored to most areas of southern and eastern Ontario while storm cleanup continues in some areas.


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