Food Friday: Thanksgiving recipe swap

It’s Food Friday and Red Crossers are swapping Thanksgiving recipes to help with your holiday dinner.

happy_thanksgiving_day_with_tofurky-wideIf you have a large family like Joan Tierney from Red Cross headquarters in Ottawa, you might find it helpful to prepare some dishes in advance. Here’s a recipe for a crowd-pleaser at Joan’s family dinner:

You'll need: 5 lbs potatoes, 1 pkg cream cheese, 1 cup sour cream, ½ cup milk, 1 tbsp butter, ¾ cup bread crumbs, ½ cup dried chives

  • Boil potatoes, cook until tender, drain.
  • Mash with the milk and 1 tbsp butter.
  • Add cream cheese and sour cream, beat with a hand mixer until light and fluffy.
  • Stir in chives.
  • Spoon into a casserole dish, sprinkle bread crumbs over the top.
  • Bake 30 minutes or until heated through.

 And what would Thanksgiving be without leftovers!

 Kate Smissaert , community health coordinator in Atlantic Canada, has a really tasty solution for leftovers: a breakfast casserole with a crust made up of turkey stuffing:


  • 1 bag of fresh bread crumbs
  • ¼ cup of melted butter
  • As much sage and savoury as you can handle
  • 1 cup of chicken stock
  • Mix this together and press it into a greased pan or muffin tins


  • Dice and fry up your favourite breakfast foods or  veggies:
  • Sausage, bacon, onion, mushrooms, spinach, peppers, tomatoes, asparagus...
  • Mix these ingredients with about 10 to 12 eggs and a splash of milk
  • Pour this onto the base
  • Top with your favourite grated cheese
  • Cover and bake at 350 for about 35 to 40 minutes until egg is cooked and the cheese is melted and turning golden brown.

Pam Aung-Thin, director of communications, also has a special pie recipe for leftovers, but she makes the filling. This is her version of a leftover turkey pie:

  • irish-turkey-pieMake a basic pie crust using any pie crust recipe
  • Roll crust and place in the bottom of a large glass pie dish
  • Spread leftover cranberry sauce on the crust
  • Add 4 to 5 cups of chopped leftover turkey mixed with stuffing and diced roasted potatoes (about 3-4 cups turkey to 1-11/2 cups of other ingredients)
  • Pour leftover gravy on top – about 3/4 to one cup
  • Cover with top crust, or alternatively, leave out the roast potatoes and cover the pie with a layer of leftover mashed potatoes
  • Bake according to pie crust recipe.


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