World Disasters Report: Focus on technology and the future of humanitarian action

Topics: National, Emergencies and Disasters Worldwide
October 17, 2013

The 2013 World Disasters Report examines the potential of technology to improve humanitarian operations and increase people’s resilience to disasters.  It also looks at the risks and unintended consequences of this influx of technology and provides recommendations on how we can maximize opportunities, while minimizing risks.

Published annually since 1993, the World Disasters Report brings together the latest trends, facts and analysis of contemporary catastrophes and their effect on vulnerable populations worldwide. Initiated by the International Federation of Red Cross Red Crescent Societies, it convenes eminent researchers, authors and development and humanitarian aid practitioners to highlight contemporary issues on a yearly basis.

This year’s 21st edition is led by Patrick Vinck, Associate Faculty and Director of the Program for Vulnerable Populations at Harvard University, which also hosts the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative that promotes evidence-based approaches to humanitarian assistance. The report is also supported by experienced researchers and practitioners, and anchored by an editorial board comprising key individuals and organizations that are actively engaged in and working with issues relevant to the theme.

Click here to read the report.

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