How to stay safe around melting ice

Topics: Manitoba, Water Safety
April 23, 2013

How to stay safe around melting ice

After a long winter, the sight of flowers blooming and the feel of a warm breeze rushing through your open windows can be refreshing. 

You may think that the spring season is no time to worry about the threat of ice, but the fact is, this can be one of the most important issues to think about around this time of year.

The Canadian Red Cross' role
As one of Canada's most active charity organizations, the Canadian Red Cross strives to offer people programs that can improve their knowledge of water safety and their abilities to prevent emergencies from occurring.

In communities across Canada, preparing for the potential risks that melting ice can bring has been a major concern.

In Winnipeg, the Canadian Red Cross recently teamed up with Gordon Giesbecht of the University of Manitoba to demonstrate what can happen when someone falls through thin or melting ice.

Demonstrations like this help people become better equipped to tackle potential challenges that could emerge outside.

Is ice melting?
If you're unsure whether ice is thin or melting, you may want to consider a few of these helpful tips from the Canadian Red Cross.

When ice is at its most resilient, it's usually a clear blue shade. When ice is grey, this indicates the presence of water. If the ice near you is this shade, you should avoid venturing near it.

Several factors, like currents and tides, the presence of chemicals like salt, changing air temperature and shock waves from vehicles traveling overhead can influence ice's thickness and density.

Show your support
When temperatures start to warm up, it can be a great time to get outdoors and explore the world around you. However, the risks that can exist, specifically with water safety, make it essential that you continue to practice planning and emergency preparedness in case of an incident.

The Canadian Red Cross is committed to giving people the resources they need to respond to a variety of challenges. The programs provided can help individuals gain a vital degree of confidence and poise in the water, which is essential.

To show your support for the Canadian Red Cross' work, please donate online or at your local office today. 

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