Backyard pool safety precautions may prevent emergencies

Topics: National, First Aid and CPR
August 08, 2012

Backyard pool safety precautions may prevent emergencies

Having a pool in your backyard can make you the envy of the neighborhood and lead to big summertime fun, but it can also pose some major hazards. As such, all pool owners and people who frequent backyard pools should be well-versed in the tenets of water safety.

First and foremost, training in first aid and CPR is a must for teens and adults who spend a lot of time around pools. Lessons in these important life skills can be obtained through classes offered by the Canadian Red Cross.

Pool-owners should install one-metre high fences around their pool, and the fence should include a self-closing and self-locking gate. Moreover, these individuals should be sure to keep all pool chemicals in a secure area away from kids. 

Additionally, it's a good idea to post pool rules in a visible location and give briefings to guests. Any minors and individuals who don't know how to swim should be supervised by adults, and flotation devices and first aid kits should be available. Children should be discouraged from boisterous play and running on pool decks.

Guests may need to be reminded that it's never a good idea to dive into shallow water, and the vast majority of backyard pools fall into this category, so always enter feet first!

Finally, while it may be tempting to serve beer or cocktails at pool get-togethers, alcohol and water don't mix well. Fun and safety in backyard pools requires a sober mind.

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